Why Become an Associate Member?
The actions that are carried out by NGOs and other organizations are critical to maintaining social balance and justice, in particular those dedicated to provide solutions to problems affecting such balance: addiction treatment and prevention, social integration, community development, education, promotion of women’s development and gender equality, etc.
Our efficiency to address the problems we endeavor to tackle depends partly on our ability to influence agencies and international organizations and to provoke changes within governments, communities and local policies.
To make such changes, NGOs develop a wide range of promotional activities: we present reports, exchange best practices and promote training and awareness-raising among the population, all of which in the objective of persuading international organizations and UN agencies to share our beliefs and commitments and to understand the need to implement effective solutions.
If we could pool our skills and our resources, coordinate our efforts and support each other, we’d be able to achieve much greater efficiency!
Together, Farther! Become an Associate Member of Dianova International
- To make your voice heard in international forums, to achieve a critical mass and have more efficiency in fulfilling your objectives. As Dianova is present and active in many international forums, we can defend your interests in these forums and optimize costs.
- To explore opportunities to participate in projects co-financed by international organizations, along with the Dianova Network.
- To share the Dianova Network’s awareness campaigns launched each year in the Spanish, English and French languages
- To enrich best practice- and experience-sharing through direct contacts with the Dianova Network member organizations operating in Europe and the Americas. Among other, this would comprise internships and training sessions, development of common projects, etc., in Chile, Spain, Italy, Nicaragua, Portugal and Uruguay.
- To gain visibility. Associate NGOs’ activities and initiatives will be promoted in Dianova’s web site and social media and other promotional material.
As a legal entity, you too can join and become an associate member of Dianova International. This member status has been designed to allow NGOs to advance their common objectives and to give organized civil society a stronger voice within international organizations.
How to Become an Associate Member?
Any not-for-profit legal entity registered with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) or with status to the ECOSOC and working in the fields of education, youth, addiction treatment and prevention, women’s rights and/or social and community development can apply to become an associate member of Dianova International.
Associate members must respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, submit their annual reports to Dianova International; notify any modification of their bylaws to Dianova International.
The amount of the annual membership fee which is determined annually by the Assembly of Delegates. For the year 2023 this fee amounts to 100 EUR.
If you wish to become an associate member, please send a message to dianova@dianova.org, including the following documents:
- Application letter to the President of Dianova International, detailing the reasons for your application as an associate member and your interests and motivations,
- Your organization’s constituent documents or bylaws,
- Your organization’s last annual activity report, including a financial report
Your message and documents can be submitted in any of the following languages: English, Spanish or French
Your application will be examined by the Assembly Council of Dianova International and presented to the Assembly of Delegates for its approval.