Tag: Women’s rights

We found 11 articles matching your criteria
  1. International Women’s Day


    Improving women’s access to services and promoting their active participation in all spheres of society is essential

  2. Gender Equality: Dianova Italy Certified


    Dianova is committed to providing a working environment that promotes equal opportunities for all its human resources

  3. Gender Roles: Changing Mindsets in Togo


    GRADH, a member of the Dianova network, participates in a national campaign to promote positive masculinity

  4. Support, Don’t Punish Women Who Use Drugs!


    Ruth Birgin coordinates the Women and Harm Reduction International Network according to which drug policy presents the single greatest threat to the health and well-being of women who use drugs

  5. Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Addiction Services

    Mainstreaming a Gender Perspective in Addiction Services


    Dianova and WFAD organized an interactive Round Table to reflect on how to mainstream a gender perspective in addiction treatment services

  6. The Harrowing Experiences of Women in Prison


    In many parts of the world, including democratic countries, minority women face harsher sentences and sometimes violence

  7. Responding to Women’s Needs through Better Addiction Programmes


    “It is urgent to rethink addiction treatment programs in order to effectively respond to women’s needs”

  8. Dianova to Co-Host Two Parallel Events at CSW65


    The International NGO and its partners will highlight some of the most critical issues facing drug using or incarcerated women

  9. March 8, Women on the Front Lines!


    To celebrate International Women’s Day, Dianova asked some women about the impact of the pandemic: video interviews

  10. Covid-19: a Women’s Issue

    Covid-19: a Women’s Issue


    The spread of the virus and its consequences are affecting human beings in different ways. According to the UN, policies should address such differences