Women Are more Vulnerable to Climate Change
Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time, which is why it is urgent to eliminate the structural inequalities that hinder the implementation of sustainable solutions
Women at the Helm of Sustainable Solutions to Climate Threats
Women are central to the implementation of natural disaster management programmes and their participation should be supported at all levels
World Health Day 2022
The urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy and foster a movement to create societies focused on well-being
Dianova’s Most Read Articles in 2021
After another complicated period, let’s have a look back on the past year with the top ten articles that our readers found most interesting
The UN We need for the World We Want
“There is no “planet B.” The planet we live on is all we have. We must make sure it’s liveable, peaceful and sustainable”
Civil Society Participates in UN Discussions on Sustainable Development
Thanks to “major groups and other stakeholders (MGoS)”, the voices and concerns of the poorest and the most vulnerable can now be heard
HLPF 2020
HLPF 2020: Accelerated action and transformative pathways for the decade of action on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Africa is Crying out!
Eugène Etse, head of GRADH, an associate member of the Dianova network in Togo, gives an enthusiastic account of his participation in CoDeS 2019
SDGs: an Open dialogue with Civil Society
The first Civil Society Organization Forum was held in parallel to the second Summit on Sustainable Development Goals at the United Nations General Assembly
Eugène Etse and George Odalo Present at CoDeS 2019
Two representatives of the Dianova Network’s member organizations will present academic papers reflecting on their work at CoDeS 2019
Tag: Sustainable development
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