Tag: Sustainable Development Goals

We found 15 articles matching your criteria
  1. For a Just and Sustainable Future: Time for Action!


    The Summit of the Future will be an historic event aimed at laying new foundations for stronger and more effective global cooperation

  2. World Maternal Mental Health Day


    One in five new mothers worldwide suffers from some form of mood or anxiety disorder during the perinatal period

  3. The Power to Change the World

    The Power to Change the World


    Interview with Kehkashan Basu, Founder-President of Green Hope Foundation and keynote speaker at Dianova’s NGO CSW66 parallel event

  4. Alcohol, a Huge Obstacle to Sustainable Development

    Alcohol, a Huge Obstacle to Sustainable Development


    The products and practices of the alcohol industry cause an unprecedented global disease and development burden

  5. Partnership Forum: Creating a More Inclusive World

    Partnership Forum: Creating a More Inclusive World


    Multiple actors and interested parties participated in the ECOSOC Partnership Forum to provide input on post-COVID priorities

  6. COVID-19 Takes Heavy Toll on 2030 Agenda


    However, members of the Dianova network positively impacted on several Sustainable Development Goals despite the pandemic

  7. Intergenerational Dialogue in Geneva


    Can social mobilization shape the agenda at the local, national and global levels? An event by Greycells, co-organized by Dianova

  8. HLPF Promotes a Sustainable Recovery from COVID-19


    The HLPF is discussing ways to ensure a sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19 that puts us on track to realize the 2030 Agenda

  9. Eradicating Poverty, Still a Distant Goal

    Eradicating Poverty, Still a Distant Goal


    El 17 de octubre, celebramos el Día Internacional para la Erradicación de la Pobreza. Pero ¿cuán lejos estamos efectivamente de conseguir este reto?

  10. The United Nations we Need

    The United Nations we Need


    “The future we want, the United Nations we need”: The UN is called to reinvent itself in order to confront present and future challenges