Tag: Affordable housing and homelessness

We found 3 articles matching your criteria
  1. Interventions for the Homeless in Quebec

    Interventions for the Homeless in Quebec


    "Homelessness results from a complex marginalization and exclusion process"

  2. Bruno Ferrari and Dianova staff members

    Interview with … Bruno Ferrari, Dianova Canada


    Get to know us better: an interview with Bruno, director general, Dianova Canada

  3. Major repairs at Dianova's Adam rooming house, in Montreal (Canada)

    Financing of Dianova’s Supportive Housing Project in Canada


    Since 2008, Dianova Canada has endeavored to address the housing needs of those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Dianova’s program has two primary objectives: to provide safe, secure, permanent and affordable lodgings to economically disadvantaged individuals who would otherwise have difficulty finding decent living accommodations; and to help these people overcome their problems and to accompany them toward successful reintegration through community support services.