Tag: Addiction treatment

We found 10 articles matching your criteria
  1. Women and Addiction, ChatGPT Shows the Way


    We asked ChatGPT to shed some light on the issue of access to addiction treatment services for women and the obstacles they face

  2. The Gender Perspective: a Fundamental Approach


    Only in five people in treatment is a woman: how to eliminate gender-related barriers to access to addiction services

  3. Minors Rebuilding Their Lives in ‘Las Torrecillas’


    Giving comprehensive answers to complex questions: Dianova Spain’s community-based residential addiction treatment programmes for minors

  4. Drugs: Where Is Europe Going?


    The new European Drugs Strategy provides a political framework for EU policies in this field and serves as a guideline for national strategies

  5. Debating the Future of Treatment


    The United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs organizes a thematic meeting to review how to strengthen the scope of the treatment

  6. Maintaining the Psycho-emotional Health of Addiction Professionals


    In the context of COVID-19, Dianova Chile developed a novel self-care programme, a best practice recognised by the Pompidou Group

  7. Addiction Services Are Essential


    In the light of today’s health crisis, Dianova deems it crucial that addiction services be on par with other healthcare services

  8. PsychoFlamenco Workshops


    Implemented at the Can Parellada Dianova facility in Spain, these gender-oriented therapeutic workshops are intended to support people’s empowerment and emotional development

  9. Gender-Sensitive Perspective and Addiction Treatment


    The lack of a gender sensitive approach in addiction services contributes to the invisibilization of women

  10. Adapting the TC Model to Current Needs


    Therapeutic community experts met on September 19 and 20 in Thessaloniki (Greece) to share knowledge and experiences on this addiction treatment model