Tag: Addiction policies

We found 7 articles matching your criteria
  1. Addiction Stigma from an Intersectional Perspective

    Addiction Stigma from an Intersectional Perspective


    Dianova held an addiction specialists, experience-based round table discussion to learn more about stigma and addictions

  2. Dianova’s Most Read Articles in 2021


    After another complicated period, let’s have a look back on the past year with the top ten articles that our readers found most interesting

  3. Widening the Cannabis Debate


    Dianova organized a side event at the CND64 on how to improve prevention and treatment programs for problematic cannabis use

  4. Dianova to Co-Host Two Parallel Events at CSW65


    The International NGO and its partners will highlight some of the most critical issues facing drug using or incarcerated women

  5. Ending Addiction Stigma through Education


    Zero Discrimination Day is an opportunity to better educate and advocate to end stigma toward people who have lived or are living with substance use disorders

  6. COVID-19 & Drugs: a Conversation with EMCDDA


    EMCDDA Director Alexis Goosdeel shares how COVID has affected the drug situation, the lessons learned and the role of professionals

  7. “We Are Part of the Solution”


    A statement of civil society at UNODC’s event on the impact of COVID on the world drug situation