Tag: Addiction and gender

We found 5 articles matching your criteria
  1. The Gender Perspective: a Fundamental Approach


    Only in five people in treatment is a woman: how to eliminate gender-related barriers to access to addiction services

  2. Addiction Stigma from an Intersectional Perspective

    Addiction Stigma from an Intersectional Perspective


    Dianova held an addiction specialists, experience-based round table discussion to learn more about stigma and addictions

  3. Dianova’s Most Read Articles in 2021


    After another complicated period, let’s have a look back on the past year with the top ten articles that our readers found most interesting

  4. Support, Don’t Punish Women Who Use Drugs!


    Ruth Birgin coordinates the Women and Harm Reduction International Network according to which drug policy presents the single greatest threat to the health and well-being of women who use drugs

  5. Identifying and Overcoming Gender Barriers in Addiction Treatment


    An innovative infographic showcases gender barriers in the treatment of addictions, proposing ways to overcome them