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Can the Problem of Female Genital Mutilation be Solved?
20/08/2024 - Publications by other organizations
FGM is a health, social and economic problem that should be addressed through on-the-ground interventions and technological solutions
Women and Drugs: Gender Inequality in Access to Health Services
30/07/2024 - Studies, articles and research
For a woman, accessing addiction treatment services can be a path strewn with obstacles and many services are not adapted to their needs: the gender perspective in addiction programmes is a question of therapeutic effectiveness and human rights
Addiction Treatment for Adolescents
19/07/2024 - Studies, articles and research
Addiction treatment from a child rights perspective: an outstanding issue in the care of young adolescents
Supporting Transgender Women Engaged in Sex Work
04/07/2024 - Publications by other organizations
It is essential to implement a psychosocial intervention model tailored to the realities of transgender women engaged in the sex trade
A Triad of Exclusion: Mental Health, Maternity and Stigma
03/06/2024 - Studies, articles and research
The stigma of mental health problems in pregnant women or mothers has an impact on their health and the development of their children
WFTC World Social Report
14/03/2024 - Publications by other organizations
WFTC second World Social Report presents a detailed overview of the reality of therapeutic communities globally
Declaration of Oviedo – A Global Initiative for the Prevention of Drug Use
24/01/2024 - Publications by other organizations
Civil society organizations have the opportunity to endorse the Oviedo Declaration and support the initiative by signing it
Mental health, human rights and legislation
17/01/2024 - Publications by other organizations
Mental health, human rights and legislation: guidance and practice, A publication by: WHO team Mental Health and Substance Use
Addiction and Justice: Preserving Adolescents’ Rights
01/12/2023 - Publications by other organizations
In Mexico, a therapeutic community dedicated to treating mental health and addiction problems in adolescents in conflict with the law
People Who Use Drugs and Mental Health
17/11/2023 - Studies, articles and research
A position paper developed by the Civil Society Forum on Drugs (CSFD), an expert group of the European Commission