On the premices, a kindergarten provides the children with a safe, tranquil, notwithstanding stimulating environment which helps them to grow up and reinforce parental bonds.
Implemented by Dianova Chile The program addresses the needs of women in difficulty with substance use (alcohol or other drugs) for whom a residential treatment appears necessary, who are socially vulnerable and have one or more dependent children age 1-5. The treatment process follows the various procedures of a normal residential program in one of our therapeutic communities, in addition to which mothers learn specific parenting skills through workshops, group encounters and individual counseling.
A kindergarten is provided within the residential setting, under the supervision of dedicated, experienced personnel, including developmental psychologists and youth workers.
The objective of the programme is to improve the quality of life of women, their children and the family unit as a whole. One of the main task of participants is to reinforce their parenting skills.
A kindergarten provides the children with a safe, tranquil, notwithstanding stimulating environment which helps them to grow up healthy and strong. Post-treatment, the program is duly followed-up by social agencies in charge of the women’s social integration.
The program has primarily the same objective as that of non-specialized therapeutic communities, which is to help the people regain control over their own lives.
For these women, gaining control over their lives means maintaining abstinence from alcohol and other drugs and learning the many skills required for good parenting, i.e.: understanding the basis of a healthy, effective education; understanding the various developmental stages of children and their related emotional, intellectual and social characteristics; understanding how parents can help their children progress within each stage; utilizing appropriate techniques to improve communication, problem-solving and time-management capabilities for the children; creating a safe environment which will help their children learn and grow.
The programme’s treatment modalities are grounded on a biopsychosocial approach and interventions in social and family issues.
The Biopsychosocial Approach
Research has shown that many factors may contribute to the development of addiction, including biological (genetic hypothesis, heredity), psychological (mental disorders, humanistic hypothesis, cognitive and behavioral disorders, etc.) and social factors (influence of one’s environment, culture, education, etc.)
No one factor is likely to be decisive in provoking the development of addiction; this is why the so-called biopsychosocial approach or vision of the addiction problem is now widely spread. The biopsychosocial approach is now considered to be one of the most suited to adequately treating addiction. Dianova programs are grounded on this perspective and rely on interdisciplinary teams (psychologist, social worker, physician, etc.) to address a wide variety of issues and provide people with comprehensive care and support