1. "Drugs and Crime as a Threat to Development"

    “Drugs & Crime, as a Threat to Development”


    Representatives from Dianova International attended theThematic Debate of the 66th session of the United Nations General Assembly on drugs and crime as a threat to development, on the occasion of the UN international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. During the Thematic Debate, Mr. Yuri Fedotov, head of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) presented the 2012 World Drug Report

  2. Global action for healthy communities without drugs

    International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking


    Message of the Secretary General of the UN on the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, 26 June 2012. Drug abuse and illicit trafficking continue to have a profoundly negative impact on development and stability across the world. The billions of dollars generated from illicit drugs fuel terrorist activities and abet other crimes such as human trafficking and the smuggling of arms and people.

  3. Michele Bellasich (Dianova) and Jan Eliasson

    Dianova in Sweden Meets with Mr Jan Eliasson


    Michele Bellasich and Åsa Magnusson from Dianova in Sweden participated in the Swedish United Nation Associations member meeting on May 29 at the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Dianova Sweden have been a member since 2012 and were invited to this meeting with Jan Eliasson who will assume his new position as the UN Deputy General Secretary on the 1st of July.

  4. Implementing the Right to Education

    “Implementing the Right to Education”, a document of the UNESCO


    A new, UNESCO document is now available online on “Implementing the Right to Education – A compendium of practical examples based on the Seventh Consultation of Member States on the Implementation of the convention and the Recommendation against Discrimination in Education.”

  5. Drug & alcohol prevention initiative in Torres Vedras

    Drug & Alcohol Community Prevention in Portugal


    Vienna (Austria) – During the 55th Session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (12-16 March), a session attended by a number of Dianova representatives, Dianova in Portugal joined a side-event to present the outcomes of a Community Prevention Initiative conducted annually for three years in the Torres Vedras region (Portugal) and the objective of which is to prevent the negative consequences of drug and alcohol misuse. “Engaging Youth and Enrolling Community in a Prevention Initiative” was the title of the presentation – Download presentation.

  6. Dianova representatives in Vienna

    55th Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs


    Vienna (Austria) – From 12th to 16th March 2012, Dianova International and Dianova Portugal representatives attended the 55th session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). On March 13, a side event was organized to present a community, drug and alcohol prevention project implemented by Dianova in Portugal in theTorres Vedras region.

  7. Successful Meeting at the United Nations


    During the fifty-sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (United Nations), held in New York from 27 February to 9 March 2012, Dianova International and the United Methodist Church organized and sponsored a side event on the theme: “”Rural Women and Girls: Education and Empowerment for Life (Human Rights & Social Justice Approaches)”. The event was a frank success  and helped meet a number of people committed to education.

  8. "What About Doing Something Else This Weekend?"

    “What About Doing Something Else This Weekend?”


    In Spain the FAD (drug addiction help foundation) launched a new communication line intended for social networks’ youngest users. A series of thought-provoking videos was produced to promote awareness about alcohol abuse and its consequences. “What About Doing Something Else This Weekend?” is the first video’s slogan.

  9. "La Quintanilla" was renamed Mercedes Soria Educational & Therapeutic Center

    “La Quintanilla” Renamed “Mercedes Soria” Center


    Located in Spain’s Murcia region, “La Quintanilla” center is especially suited to the needs of an intensive, therapeutic and educational intervention aimed at adolescents. The center’s tranquil environment enables residents to focus on their problems and rebalance their lifestyles. On February 15, a tribute was paid to the center’s director since 2002, Mrs. Mercedes “Maricé” Soria.

  10. Commission on the Status of Women

    Dianova to Organize an Event at the United Nations


    During the fifty-sixth Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (United Nations), to be held in New York from 27 February to 9 March 2012, Dianova International and the United Methodist Church will organize and sponsor a side event on the theme: “”Rural Women and Girls: Education and Empowerment for Life (Human Rights & Social Justice Approaches)”.