Our Challenges for 2015

Montse Rafel, director general

Editorial, by Montse Rafel, Director general

« The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams »
Eleonor Roseelvet

2015 has already begun; the teams of Dianova engage in their day-to-day work to help more people, diversify their programs and have a greater impact on social issues – with the difficult task of doing more with less. This is what is more incongruous about the present crisis: the greater the social need, the more cuts in public spending.

2015 will be a special year, in terms of efforts to achieve the goals set out in our 2012-2016 plan which has outlined our strategic lines for the next four years: Sustainability, interdependence, identity and innovation

We can already assert that the bulk of our efforts in 2015 will be in the sustainability and innovation lines. And it is no coincidence, these lines are closely related.

2015 also marks the last year of our strategic plan, we will have this year the task, and the challenge to develop the next plan covering the 2016-2020 period. A number of preparatory meetings have already been planned for this purpose and hopefully, we will once again be able to count on the participation of the entire network.

More than fifty people had contributed to the success of the current strategic plan – a group of dedicated women and men composed having a weath of historical experience in our commitment, and newcomers with an essential body of knowledge and expertise. A group whose multiculturalism turns into synergy, a true image of the strength of our network.

On behalf of Dianova International, I would like to conclude by thanking all our teams, all our volunteers and staff who are committed to our mission. And finally, I would like to launch an appeal to the general public, civil society and organizations alike, to join the Dianova project and help more people.

« Unity is variety and variety in unity is the supreme law of the universe »
Isaac Newton;