On December 2, the Bosc Animat of Catalunya en Miniatura was awarded “Best Entrepreneurial Initiative” at an award ceremony organized by the municipalities of de Molins de Rei, Corbera de Llobregat, Cervelló, La Palma de Cervelló, El Papiol, Sta. Coloma de Cervelló, Torrelles de LLobregat, Pallejà, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Vallirana and Sant Feliu de Llobregat, in collaboration with PIMEC and Barcelona’s City Council. Mr. Fernando de Ercilla, representing the Bosc Animat, received the award from Mr. Maestro, mayor of Cervelló, at a ceremony attended by twenty entrepreneurs who were contesting to the award, and the mayors of the municipalities comprised in the Vall Baixa region.
The award aims to support entrepreneurship, innovation and social responsibility while being a recognition of the commitment of all those who joined the contest.
The Bosc Animat of Catalunya en Miniatura, a social project by Dianova
The ‘Bosc Animat’ high ropes course and leisure park was inaugurated at the end of 2008 in Torrelles de Llobregat (Barcelona), fruit of a cooperation and association
between Dianova International and Catalunya en Miniatura (Miniature Catalonia). This community project uniting both the third sector and the business world offers educational and leisure programs for all the public, while half the profits are destined for Dianova charity projects and activities.
Bosc Animat has also obtained accreditation as a training centre for the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (INEF) for leisure climbing instructors.