REACT Campaign in Portugal

REACT campaign launched in Portugal


A nationwide, multimedia awareness campaign was launched in Portugal to raise public awareness of the addiction-related problems. Through a message of hope, Dianova’s REACT campaign aims to make the public aware of the consequences of drug and alcohol abuse in various contexts: at school, at work or in the family circle.

The campaign was initially developed in Braga (Portugal), Europe’s third youngest city, in collaboration with Braga’s city council and the Academic Association of Miño University. At present, more than 70 partners have joined Dianova’s campaign, including media outlets (13), municipalities (18),  universities (25),   hospitals (4),  the Lisbon metro and advertising, public relations and “media intelligence” agencies.

One of the posters of the REACT campaign

The campaign is now distributed nationwide through 150 urban advertising panels, 13 press releases, 500 posters and over 40,000 postcards through the Publicards network, a 30-second online and television advert, as well as an exclusive 2-minute making of unveiling the shooting’s best moments. The REACT campaign has also been broadcast on the social media, including a dedicated Facebook page at:

A number of public relations side-events have been organized additionally, including seminars and health promotion and education workshops within the country’s hospitals and universities.

Up to date the campaign has been promoted or debated in 23 newspaper articles, 2 TV reports, 2 radio interviews and a number of reports, interviews and articles published in the general or specialized press (economics, health) at national and regional level. On the whole, the campaign has been estimated to have reached more than two and a half million people. It’s time to REACT!”

The REACT campaign was designed by the Externa Comunicaciò agency, under the supervision of project owner Dianova International. It was later on distributed to each member organization of the Dianova Network in Europe, North America and South America. The REACT campaign will be launched by each Dianova member organization by June 2014.