Over one hundred young adults participated in an innovative prevention program that utilizes a variety of different approaches dedicated to help the participants start thinking about their substance use, especially cannabis use. After about ten groups were organized in close collaboration with agencies working in Terrebonne region (near Montreal), the project was nominated finalist at Terrebonne’s 2010 “Griffon d’Or” awards ceremony.
“Empowering My Life!” is a project destined to help at-risk, or socially vulnerable youth, engage in healthier lifestyles and behaviors through the development of various skills and abilities – interpersonal relationships, self esteem, anger and stress management – and through a better understanding of substance abuse and related problems (sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections, unsafe sex, etc.) Program’s activities take place during a short stay, in a tranquil, natural environment that promotes rest and reflection.
During awards ceremony, Stéphanie Lavallée, project coordinator, thanked all those who could help these young people become more self-reliant towards the use of drugs: the city of Terrebonne and the various institutions and agencies that have facilitated the project’s development and funding, including Health Canada (Canadian Ministry of Health), partner agencies which have successfully organized the participants’ recruitment, and Dianova staff members.