1. Technological Innovation and Social Responses


    Science and innovation are essential to achieve the SDGs, provided they are grounded in an integrated, human-centred approach that leaves no one behind

  2. World Drug Report 2021


    Excerpts from the preface to the World Drug Report, by Ghada Waly, Executive Director, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  3. Dianova Chile – E-learning community


    “E-learning Crecern, a project with great potential for the Dianova network and its stakeholders – – Dianovalive.org

  4. Technology and Communication


    Media literacy and education technology should start in childhood, with the participation of families and teachers

  5. Spending Quality Time with One’s Family


    Quality family time has beneficial effects on children: well-being, a sense of belonging, and a positive influence on cognitive development

  6. Listening is love


    Parents often dread the teenage crisis; the passage from childhood to adulthood is a period of great upheaval in the lives of young people

  7. Building your Child’s Confidence and Self-esteem


    Adolescents who engage in risky behaviors often demonstrate poor life skills and low self-esteem

  8. Drug Policies: Focus on the Americas


    Dianova Participated in Events Organized by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission at the 2021 Session of the CND

  9. Widening the Cannabis Debate


    Dianova organized a side event at the CND64 on how to improve prevention and treatment programs for problematic cannabis use

  10. “It Is Important to Maintain an Open Mind Towards Mental Health Work”


    Dianova interviewed Barbara L. Ponieman, MD Psychiatrist working in New York City, about the importance of mental health