Seminar Chile-Cuba: building up-to-date educational networks
In partnership with a number of organizations active in the field of education and training (Dianova Chile, Eduglobal, Yuntas Internacional, SEK University and the Catholic University of Maule – UCM), two editions of an educational seminar were conducted in collaboration with the University of Matanzas Camilo Cienfuegos in Cuba. The first edition was held in Santiago and the second in Curico (Chile).
This UNESCO-sponsored event brought together teachers and education researchers who all had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, while disseminating novel and innovative concepts and approaches to education. Participants included experts from Cuba with PhDs in education, specializing in physics, philosophy, history and education technologies.
They were joined by teachers from the Catholic University of Maule with expertise in learning processes and education and evaluation methodologies and practices. A keynote address was delivered by Francisco Morales, actor and theatre director, on the theme: “How theatrical works may influence children’s education and development”. Meanwhile, the Curico seminar was attended by Rafael Echeverria, Ph.D. who delivered a presentation entitled: “Towards an ontology of teaching and learning”.