Tomorrow, Join the Debate Before UNGASS 2016
On September 23rd, many researchers, NGO representatives and government observers will meet at the EU parliament in Brussels to discuss the United Nations General Assembly Special Session dedicated to the issue of drug policy (UNGASS), to take place in New York in April 2016.
The event will be organized by the European Drug Policy Network (EURAD), Dianova International and Mr. Michal Boni, a member of the European Parliament and of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
In addition to NGO representatives from across Europe, Speakers from the United nations, the European Commission and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) will be present to try and come to a consensus on various issues such as the development of treatment approaches based on public health, the elimination of the death penalty for drug-related crimes, and the necessity to address the causal factors of both drug production and use.
The UNGASS has the potential to be a ground-breaking debate – an opportunity to honestly assess the successes and failures of the global drug policies which have been implemented over the past fifty years. This is why an open dialogue is sorely needed, one which include all UN agencies, researchers, civil society representatives and those affected by drug policies. Tomorrow's event at the European Parliament in Brussels will be one of the steps necessary to ensure that the UNGASS fulfills that potential.
Dianova International