In Portugal, Dianova launched a new web site dedicated to online external communications. The site is remarkably user-friendly and displays pages differentiated by specific color codes enabling easy access to relevant information and knowledge – Dianova’s Corporate and News Brief section were developed by Orange-Original Communication and Triangulo Digital.
The site’s chief objective is to provide visibility to Dianova’s dedicated solutions in terms of private and co-financed training, facility rental, needs assessment and use of knowledge base. Readers can have access to current legislations, links of interest, FAQs and to the various cooperation agreements and protocols established with public and private entities.
The various training solutions and courses already offered by Dianova or that will be soon available are grouped depending on target population’s types and discriminated by color codes to facilitate navigation and research:
- Third sector organizations, educational communities, support organizations for the elderly, businesses and the general public – which are grouped into the following areas:
- Personal and social development, organizational development, Information & Communication Technologies, in addition to introductory and advanced training, and vocational redeployment counseling.
The Center’s training personnel consists of over 220 skilled professionals from diverse backgrounds with an offer of nearly 100 courses and training solutions. (In Portuguese language)