During its July 21 General Meeting, the Ibero-American Network of NGOs working in the field of drug dependence (RIOD) approved an application for membership from Dianova in Spain. The RIOD is a nonprofit umbrella organization which main role is to help connect Ibero-American addiction service providers that are working in the fields of substance abuse prevention and treatment, social and professional integration, and vocational training.
Dianova membership to the Ibero-American Network of NGOs working in the field of drug dependence (RIOD) responds to the need to better coordinate international efforts in the field of addiction treatment and prevention, while reinforcing reintegration capabilities, and the exchange of professionals and best practices.
Members of RIOD may have different visions, philosophies or professional practices, however they all work towards a common goal which is to help people live healthy, drug-free lives. It then appears essential to share these experiences to enrich every organization’s own scope of practices, at all levels.
The objectives of RIOD
- To promote RIOD‘s institutional reinforcement and that of its member organizations
- To create new spaces to reinforce communication, networking and experience sharing
- To support communication opportunities between members and funding agencies, promoting the transfer of information on financing methods and sources
- To promote the ongoing training of professionals
- To encourage studies and research
- To facilitate the exchange of professionals between member organizations
- To strengthen collaborative work environments to support RIOD‘s and RIOD members’ development
(Excerpt from RIOD web site, in Spanish language) – “Since 1998 , the RIOD is dedicated to address international coordination needs of the various social initiatives demanded by our globalized society, in which it appears critical to share the visions and analysis of all, based on diversity and pluralism.
RIOD intends to optimize the collaborative work of governments and agencies while creating spaces capable of promoting better coordination and networking to stimulate each member’s institutional reinforcement and improve the various policies, strategies and programs developed in the field of substance abuse, and more particularly that of demand reduction.
Since its inception, the RIOD network has endorsed the 1998 political declaration of United Nations member states to “achieve significant and measurable results in the field of demand reduction”; it also supports a comprehensive approach to development cooperation, to involve beneficiaries in working out, implement and efficiently assess programs and projects.
The RIOD‘s main features are on the one hand the concept of a collaborative work which promotes horizontal participation of all those who may share various experiences, information and capabilities, and, on the other hand, its special interest for new information and communication technologies.”