Dianova in New York

L'édifice des Nations Unies à New York

An overview of the first months of activity of the Dianova delegation in New York

After few months from its start, the New York delegation is already very active on a number of fronts representing Dianova International in the interesting and stimulating environment in at the United Nations Headquarters.

The work initiated with the engagement on the Commission on Status of the Women, where Dianova organized a parallel event on the implementation of the Beijing +20 Convention presenting its work in Canada with women from indigenous communities and promoting, along with partners, innovative solutions for the inclusion of the women and the improvement of their condition worldwide.

Dianova Inernational is also current member of the board of CoNGO, the UN Conference of NGOs in consultative relations with UN, an umbrella organization that coordinates thematic civil society Committees dealing with crucial issues  and top priorities in the UN Agenda. So far, we participate as member in the monthly meeting of the NGO Committee on the Commission on the Status of Women, as observer to the NGO Committee on migration  and currently exploring with interest the opportunity to follow the NGO Committee on Mental Health (and the one on NGO Committee on Tourism and Development, after they have resumed their work in Autumn 2015.


The current year also marks an historical moment for the United Nation, celebrating with pride its 70th anniversary. Dedicated events are being held in principal UN headquarters in New York, Geneva and Vienna. More information on the calendar can be found on a dedicated web site created for the 70th anniversary, remembering the UN foundation, milestone and achievement to date

The main celebration at the New York UN premises is foreseen to take place in September, in close relation with the other major topic of the year: The Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs).

2015 will be remembered as the year of discussion, inclusion and challenges ahead in the redefinition of the former Millennium development goals, to make them more inclusive and fit for purpose. The UN mantra in this dialogue is no one should be left behind by fighting against stigmatization, inequality and by promoting achievable and long term sustainable development for all. All the preparatory work is leading up to the United Nations Summit to adopt the Post 2015 Development Agenda, to take place in New York from 25 to 27 September.

Before the end of summer, another major event should be highlighted: at the end of August, the 2015 NGO conference will take place in NYC for a a special edition dedicated to celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the UN under the theme: Honoring the past, Recognizing the present and Imagining the future. Articulated in a weekend prior to the conference (22-23-24 August) and the 3-day conference from 25 to 27 August, the event will bring together a diversity of international civil society organizations and NGOs, stakeholders of the United Nations.

Moreover we cannot overlook the ongoing preparation for the UNGASS 2016, the Special Session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem, the most significant meeting around drugs in the last 20 years. The UNGASS 2016 has already kindled a stimulating debate among member states on assessing what works and what could be improved in the current drug policy to create a better framework for action in 2019. Civil society has much to contribute to this ongoing efforts; in this prospect an ad hoc Civil Society Task Force on drugs has been created to secure civil society engagement and coordination in order to make NGO voices heard in the preliminary framework leading to UNGASS.

The New York Delegation is covering much more than United Nations, it is also representing Dianova International, as an observer, at the major political forum of the Hemisphere, the Washington-based International Organization of American States (OAS) and its related thematic bodies, such as the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), contributing to giving civil society a voice

In addition, we started a dialogue with the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington to further explore opportunities of synergies and common projects in the countries where Dianova operates in the field of development, education and gender-related Issues.

We are proud of the work we've accomplished so far, and looking forward to strengthening our connections between the international institutions and Dianova International for the benefit of the entire Dianova network.

Elisa Rubini
International Relations Manager
Dianova Delegation in New York