Dianova Spain honored by spanish red cross for good practices in the treatment and social re-integration of adolescent drug abusers November 2007 – Dianova’s program designed for adolescent substance abusers with associated, negative social adjustment issues has been recognized by the Spanish Red Cross as providing an ideal model of “Good Practices” in the field of substance-abuse treatment, prevention and social re-integration.
The program is residentially-based and encompasses both educational and therapeutic interventions. Offered by the Dianova centers of Zandueta (Navarra), La Quintanilla (Murcia), Santa Elena (Córdoba) and Santa Lucía (Madrid), the program is designed for adolescents of ages 13 to 18 with psycho-social and addiction problems.
The acknowledgement of the scientific validity of Dianova’s treatment model serves as a reward for the work that the organization has been doing in this field since 2002. The program is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Work and Social Affairs, and the award from the Spanish Red Cross is intended to publicize the most effective treatment methodologies for youth populations within a large network of other Spanish organizations addressing youth issues.
During the 5th seminar of Good Practices in Social Integration, held at Red Cross headquarters in Tarragona city on November 23 rd and 24 th, Dianova outlined its knowledge and methods related to the program, as well as the management model of the organization.
More than a hundred participants attended the seminar, the opening ceremony of which was chaired by Miguel Sunyer, President of the Red Cross of Tarragona. Prof José Antonio López Ruiz described the selection process for the 2007 award on behalf of the Pontifica Comilla University of Madrid, the Department of Sociology of which was in charge of making the selection for the Red Cross.