Dianova will play an active role at the 65th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND65) on March 14 and 18, 2022
United Nations drug policy control body
The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND), is the central policy-making body of the United Nations drug control system; it also provides guidelines to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in these matters. Additional organizations may also participate in drug policies, and therefore in the CND, including the World Health Organization, the International Narcotics Control Board, and UNAIDS to name a few.
For more information, you may download the CND Guide prepared by the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs or watch an informative video prepared by the International Drug Policy Consortium.
65th session of the CND
The 65th CND annual session is to take place in hybrid format at the United Nations Office in Vienna (Austria) from March 14 to 18, 2022. More information about the registration procedures and participation modalities.
Participants will take stock of the world drug situation and the progress made in the implementation of international agreements. In addition, they will engage in discussions about and make resolutions on such specific issues as early prevention, cybercrime, alternative development, and the impact of drug policy on the environment – the session’s official documents are available here. Lastly, the CND will review the list of substances scheduled under international control.
Side events of the CND
Besides the official sessions held by international organizations, member states or civil society organizations, many side events will be organized, as an opportunity to address and raise awareness on specific issues.
For the 11th year in a row, Dianova will attend the CND sessions and participate in the following side events:
- Data Driven Family Prevention Programs – Tuesday, March 15 from 9 to 9:50am
The event will focus on how to support NGOs in implementing local prevention programs in collaboration with local Rotary clubs. Speakers will present a tool for measuring the social impact of prevention programs, as well as the systems utilized to evaluate and monitor projects. Lastly, two good practices will be showcased, one of them being the program “Together, We Grow. Families as health agents” designed and implemented by Dianova.
This event is organized by the Rotary Action Group for Addiction Prevention (RAG AP), and co-sponsored by UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Dianova International and the World Federation Against Drugs.
- People-Centered Innovations in Therapeutic Communities – Tuesday March 15 from 12:15 to 13:15pm
The event will highlight the importance of having evidence-based therapeutic communities as an integral component of health systems and will emphasize the need to provide a range of services in the continuum of care. In addition, innovative practices, and networks in the field of therapeutic communities will be presented.
Organized by the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities with the co-sponsorship of Proyecto Hombre, Dianova International, the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the Latin American Federation of Therapeutic Communities, the Federation of Therapeutic Communities of Asia, the Australasian Therapeutic Communities Association and Treatment Communities of America.
- Children and Families Affected by Parental Drug Use: Current Gaps and Promising Practices- Thursday, March 17 from 12:15-13:05pm
This event will give greater visibility to children whose parents use drugs. Recommendations will be made, followed by a discussion, on how to design human rights-based interventions targeting the whole family.
This event is organized by Dianova International with the co-sponsorship of Croatia, Italy, the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, Proyecto Hombre Association and San Patrignano Foundation.
- Promoting Evidence-Based Interventions of Civil Society in Collaboration with Member States and International Organizations – Thursday, March 17, from 1:10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The event will focus on evidence-based interventions and research promoted by civil society organizations from Europe, America and Asia in collaboration with international organizations and member states dedicated to developing prevention, treatment and harm reduction services.
Event organized by the Proyecto Hombre Association, and co-sponsored by Spain, Uruguay, UNODC Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, Dianova International, Global Research Institute Foundation, the Ibero-American Network of NGOs working on Drugs and Addiction and the Vienna Committee of NGOs on Drugs.
- Dianova will coorganize the event “Promoting change from an increasingly reduced space: Challenges for the effective participation of civil society in the formulation of drug policies” – Wednesday, March 16 from 9-9:50am.
Organized by the Brussels Federation of Institutions for Substance Users with the support of the Czech Republic, the Civil Society Forum on Drugs in the EU, the Council of Europe – Pompidou Group, the European Union and the French NGO Platform on Drug Policy.
Civil society meetings
At the margins of the CND, other interesting meetings for civil society will take place, such as the informal dialogues with the Executive Director of UNODC, the President of the International Narcotics Control Board, the President of the CND and representatives of the World Health Organization.
Lastly, the Annual Assembly of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs will be held and Dianova will meet with representatives of the European Union as a member of the EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs.
It will be an interesting week where current policy issues will be addressed, issues that require greater attention will be pointed out, good practices will be presented and the international drug control system will be updated. We will keep you informed!