Addiction Training for Professionals: Chemsex

E-learning Module on ChemSex for Addiction Professionals: Second Phase of the ‘Learn Addiction’ Project


“Chemsex” is the consumption of drugs to facilitate or enhance sexual activity; it also refers to a subculture of people who engage in high-risk sexual activities under the influence of drugs, including unprotected sex and multiple sexual partners – Photo: Shutterstock

Press Release – On the 20th and 21st April 2023, Dianova Portugal and delegates from other five organisations from five EU countries participating in the second phase of the ‘Learn Addiction’ project met in Berlin.

During the first phase of the project (November 2019 – October 2021), the first open and multilingual e-learning platform for addiction professionals was developed. It consisted of four modules addressing the following themes: behavioral addictions, addictions in young people, the gender perspective in addictions and the European drug prevention quality standards. The platform is accessible at no charge and available in seven languages: Portuguese, English, Spanish, Slovenian, Romanian, Czech and French.

For the second phase of the ‘Learn Addiction’ project (February 2022 – January 2024), the six participating organisations are developing a new e-learning module on ChemSex. This theme was selected based on the results of the 2021 European survey carried out by the project partners to identify training needs among addiction professionals. 727 professionals from 24 countries participated in the survey and 48% asked for training on ChemSex.

During the meeting in Berlin, the delegates of Dianova Portugal and other partner organisations evaluated the feedback received by the addiction professionals responsible for testing the preliminary version of the online course over the past few months. Based on their comments, the project partners will then implement the necessary improvements before the final publication of the new e-learning module. The new ‘Learn Addiction’ online training module will be available in December 2023, in seven languages: English, Spanish, Slovenian, Portuguese, Dutch, German and Czech.

The second phase of the ‘Learn Addiction’ project is a collaborative initiative between the Spanish Addiction Care Network – UNAD, and its partner organizations: Dianova Portugal, Utrip (Institute for Research and Development, Slovenia), Sananim (Czech Republic), De Regenboog Groep (The Netherlands), and Deutsche Aidshilfe DAH, the German AIDS Service Organisation. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.



Note: The ‘Learn Addiction’ project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The content of this press release is the sole responsibility of the project partners.


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