1st Edition of Dianova | Lusófona Award

Following the new stand taken by Dianova in the areas of education and training, a strategic partnership was established between Dianova and the Lusófona University, which led to the creation of the first edition of the Dianova | Lusófona Award dedicated to “Managing Sustainable Noble Causes”, to be publicly presented in Lisbon on May 24.

The award aims to reward excellence and originality in the production of scientific knowledge, in theory and practice, likely to contribute to greater effectiveness of nonprofit and community-based organizations in Portugal, in operational, organizational and social areas. The award is intended for graduate and master students in the following domains: communication, marketing, management, economics, political science, law, social administration, sociology, social work and psychology.

Public Launch of Dianova/Lusofona Award
May 24th, 2011 at 12 am
Sala Veludo – Palacio Santa Clara
Rua Vitorino Nemésio, 5, Lisbon

In addition, the award’s specific objectives are to: contribute to positive changes in the Portuguese social economy sector; promote scientific production in the same domain; reinforce and strengthen synergies between universities, the social economy and other sectors; promote benchmarking studies that can enable third sector organizations to attract new professional talents.

The award is open for a applications until Sept. 30, 2011 and prizegiving ceremony will take place on April 14, 2012, at the Campo Grande Lusófona University, in Lisbon

More, on the web


Presentation and award rules:
