UNGASS: Drug Policy Consultation Forum at the European Parliament


Drug Policy Consultatio Forum in Brussels2016 will be a key year for global drug policies, as the UN General Assembly will be holding a Special Session on the topic (UNGASS), which it is hoped will be a milestone in terms of adopting more efficient and more humane practices.

With this in mind, Europe Against Drugs (EURAD), Dianova International and Polish MEP Michal Boni are jointly organising a European Parliament-sponsored event which will present and appraise the forthcoming Special Session.


The objective of the event is to inform participants of, and debate on, the many challenges arising from the current drug policies; it will also serve as a preparatory activity ahead of the UN General Assembly Special Session on the global drug problem.


Members of the European Parliament, European institutions and representatives of civil society will have the opportunity to express their opinions. Over one hundred researchers, representatives of NGOs and government observers will meet to discuss drug policies and the UNGASS.

The event will include the participation of speakers from the United Nations, the European Commission and the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA).

Further information

European Parliament Event: the UNGASS (International Drug Policy Consortium)