Parallel Event to CND59: “Addiction Treatment in Southern Europe, Providing Solutions in Times of Crisis



Dianova will participate in the event entitled “Addiction treatment in southern Europe: providing solutions in times of crisis”, which is being organised to coincide with the 59th Session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND).

Dianova’s participation in events parallel to the CND has become an established practice. This will be the fifth consecutive year in which Dianova presents the activities of its network and its best practices in addiction treatment.


The event will take place at UN headquarters in Vienna, which is also where the member countries will be holding the main debate on the global drug situation.


The event will focus on the impact of the economic crisis on the voluntary sector in southern Europe and how organisations have adapted their services to respond to emerging needs.


Dianova’s contribution will focus on how to maintain the quality and plurality of treatment models developed by voluntary sector organisations. It will share the platform with two other organisations specialising in addiction treatment: KETHEA (Greece) and Asociación Proyecto Hombre (Spain). Dianova International will be represented by Elena Goti, KETHEA by Phaedon Kaloterakis and Asociación Proyecto Hombre by Oriol Esculies.

The event will be moderated by Dr. Gilberto Guerra, Chief of the Drug Prevention and Health Branch at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

The event will be attended by representatives of the national delegations – Spain (represented by Sofía Aragón from the National Anti-Drugs Strategy), Greece, Hungary and Kenya – and by representatives of civil society in countries such as Slovenia, Romania and Indonesia. The organisation Drustvo Up, (Slovenia) an associate member of the Dianova Network, will be represented at the event by Robin Turk.