16th European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Conference


The 16th EFTC conference will be held in Dublin (Ireland) on September 20, 21 and 22, 2017

Pathways of Care to Recovery

16th European Federation of Therapeutic Communities Conference

The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC) was established in 1981 and is a network of drug and alcohol treatment communities across Europe, and internationally, all learning from each other whilst ensuring delivery of quality and evidence based treatment and rehabilitation services.

EFTC conference provides a learning platform for participants to present scientific and practitioner based research and to exchange ideas in relation to the conference themes:

  • Gender, women and families
  • Treatment in prison and secure environments
  • Mental health, well-being and intellectual difficulties

Organised by Coolmine TC, Department of Health (Ireland) and European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC) this conference is an important knowledge exchange, learning and networking opportunity for academics, students and professionals in the substance abuse field.

Abstract Submission

As an effective knowledge transfer event, attending the EFTC conference means you will learn, be inspired by discussion and debates, and be motivated in your day-to-day work through new research, skills and networking with colleagues.

The deadline for abstract submission is June 30th, 2017. Organizers seek 20 minute presentations in relation to the conference themes. Notifications to applicants will be issued in early July 2017.

More information

Download abstract submission form