LNOB – Leave No One Behind
Leave No One Behind: Dianova’s new campaign, launched on June 26, World Drug Day aims to shed light on the struggles of those who are more vulnerable due to stigma, discrimination and/or stereotypes. This week is dedicated to the needs of women who use drugs, who face considerable challenges, including multiple levels of stigma and barriers to accessing treatment services
25 years of addi_Actions!
Dianova’s new addi_Actions campaign will be disseminated on the websites and social networks of Dianova International and its members, in a series of thought-provoking, attractive visuals, accompanied by key messages translated into several languages
Addiction Services Are Essential Services
Substance use and other addictive disorders are a matter of public health and addiction services should therefore be considered as essential health services
Bringing Addiction Stigma to an End
#QuitStigmaNow – ending the stigmatization of people facing substance use disorders or behavioural addictions
Mental Health in the Workplace
Support the mental health in the workplace campaign to help those concerned and implement working conditions that contribute to the development of people
Drug Prevention: “Listen First”
The Dianova International network joins the global “Listen First” campaign to mark the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26 June