• Campaign: “Faces”
  • Date: 2006
  • Agency: TBWA
  • Materials: posters, postcards, web images and banners
  • Distribution: international (Dianova network)

Target Audience and Theme

The campaign is especifically aimed at young people with a substance abuse or misuse problem (alcohol or other drugs) that makes it increasingly difficult for them to navigate their own way in society – at the emotional (uncontrollable mood swings, depression, violence, dysphoria, etc.), social and relational levels (loss of significant relationships), or in the professional field (absenteeism, problems at work, etc.)

Profile/Way of Life

Most of these young people belong to the middle-class, urban population one can find in any city of Western Europe or North America. Some of them tend to flirt with their emotional limits as regards pleasure, affection, love or friendship – a tendency which is further exacerbated by their substance use.

Motivation to Change

Being able to achieve more control over their use of alcohol or other drugs, which poses them more and more problems (pleasure has turned into pain), through professional counselling.