campaña_ #notedejesqueteposea post Chica

Do you feel like a friend of yours is being “possessed” by new technologies?

Virtually all people, especially young people, have responded eagerly to new technologies and their potential. However, those most vulnerable have become submerged by a world without limits. Consequently some of these people have been lured into a fictional world, entrapped in a vicious circle that generates greater and greater participation and where users feel compelled to stay connected longer and longer so as to reach the stimulation they need.

People then become more and more disconnected from reality and incapable of living authentic experiences out of the online world. “Being connected” has turned into a compulsive need, the very definition of addiction.

What is our objective?

We want people, and more particularly adolescents and young adults, to become more aware of the risks and consequences associated with inappropriate Internet Use. We also want to provide them with accurate information and useful resources about counselling or treatment options.

Concerned? Help us pass the message!

Are your concerned about a friend’s, or your own, Internet use? Do your feel that your smartphone or tablet is interfering with your daily life, work or relationships? Do you belong to an organization dedicated to helping the most vulnerable? Please join our initiative and help us pass the message and achieve the greatest public impact.

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You can use the campaign’s material on your website, emails or social networks: #DontLetThemPossessYou

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